Retucci, Fiorella | Beccarisi, Alessandra Presentazione 2017 - Il Poligrafo 7-14 p. Is part of Medioevo : rivista di storia della filosofia medievale : XLII, 2017 Workspace Quote download View Online Articles from the same issue (available individually) Presentazione Doversi intendere la disposizion celeste essere stata atta [ ... ] a dover producere un poeta : Boccaccio al lavoro con la casualità celeste What is the Advantage of Knowing the Future? : Some Comments on Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos, I, 3. Estimaverunt Indi : la diffusion d'un texte geomantique condamné An Italian Translation of William of Moerbeke's Geomancy Literary Texts and Divination Techniques in Medieval Occitania : a Short Survey Freier Wille und Vorherbestimmung in der Byzantinischen Tradition (von Nemesios von Emesa bis Photios von Konstantinopel) Pharaonis induratio cordis : the Anti-Fatalism of Honorius Augustodunensis Determined Freedom : Thomas Aquinas on Free Choice Non quaecumque necessitas : excludit libertatem : Goffredo di Fontaines e la libertà della volontà e dell'intelletto Eckhart's Stoic Doctrine of Freedom and Its Metaphysical Foundation Julius Sirenius's Criticism of Pietro Pomponazzi's Defense of Stoic Determinism Information ISSN: 2704-7083 Permalink: