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Dall'ambiente alla sostenibilità : riflessioni sulle sfide di una nuova prospettiva etica

2020 - Franco Angeli

35-46 p.

The theoretical-philosophical reflection on the relationships between man, living beings, and the environment has recently been interacting with multiple perspectives (anthropological, social and ecological, for example), thus merging into a common need for a new ethics of mankind; an ethics which is helping stimulate debates not only about the quality of the environment, but also about justice and equity, in order to guarantee the quality of individual's life. Starting from a reflection on some of the thoughts hinging on the idea of sustainability, interpreted through an ecological perspective, this paper highlights and discusses some principles, which can also become ethical reference points. In fact, they could become part of individuals' everyday life and could be translated into coherent individuals' lifestyles, aimed at building a sustainable future and society. [Publisher's text].

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Società degli individui : 68, 2, 2020