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Il rapporto tra Didattica generale e Didattiche disciplinari : la teoria della semplessità come possibile trait-d'union

2018 - Franco Angeli

258-271 p.

  • The approval of the Legislative Decree n. 59/2017 focused the attention on the national scientific debate related to the relationship between General Didactics and Disciplinary Didactics, which inevitably refers to the gap between pedagogical-didactic competences and disciplinary competences in the current teachers' education. Therefore, the present study proposes to present the first results of a research experience aimed at the realization of a teachers' training in a simplex perspective, moving from the description of the state of the art to the question between generalists and disciplinarists. The theory of simplexity, in fact, could constitute the theoretical-methodological framework for Disciplinary didactics, as well as an operative guide for teachers.
  • Through the application of regulatory principles in the didactic field, this method could represent a way of harmonizing the ontological identity of emerging disciplines and the needs in the teaching-learning process, favouring the acquisition of pedagogical, methodological and didactic skills, and of related competences to the specific contents of the individual disciplines. [Publisher's text].

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Educational reflective practices : 2, 2018