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La dittatura sovrana di Fiume : innovazioni politiche, sociali ed economiche (1919-1920)

2016 - Franco Angeli

139-167 p.

This research is meant to retrace the handling of provisional governments in Fiume, namely the administration of the city under Italian unauthorized occupation from the end of the First World War (November 1918) to the Treaty of Rapallo (November 1920). After the evacuation of Italy's regular troops, some groups of volunteers and deserters of the Italian army, led by the military poet Gabriele D'Annunzio, seized the city of Fiume. That episode was one of the most resounding expressions of the crisis of the Italian State and of the sacralisation of politics, as well as society militarization started during the First World War. The illegal government of Fiume became the experimental laboratory of new constitutional, legislative and administrative devices, thanks to a permanent state of military unrest and constitutional exception. [Publisher's Text].

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Mondo contemporaneo : rivista di storia : 2, 2016