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La narrazione digitale per l'inclusione sociale : primi risultati del progetto LIDA - Learning Inclusion in a Digital Age.

2023 - Franco Angeli

34-49 p.

The European project LIDA Learning Inclusion in a Digital Age (Ref. 2021­1­NO01­KA204­076518), funded under the Erasmus+ programme, addressed the topics of inclusive education and active citizenship for dis-advantaged adults through the use of digital storytelling. This article presents the evaluation process of the LIDA digital resources realized during the training workshops for teachers and educators on the use of digital storytell- ing, which involved a variety of target groups (economically disadvantaged adults, migrants, students). The results highlighted the powerful potentials of digital storytelling in education and laid the groundwork for a more ex- tensive use of such approach with the aim of fostering social cohesion and ultimately promoting the inclusion of vulnerable individuals. [Publisher's text].

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Cadmo : giornale italiano di pedagogia sperimentale : 1, 2023