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Nuove indagini archeologiche in Piazza XX Settembre a Fano

2022 - L'Erma di Bretschneider

P. 185-195

  • This contribution illustrates the preliminary results of a new archaeological investigations in Piazza XX Set tembre in Fano carried out thanks to a collaboration be tween the Vitruvian Studies Center, the Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the Provinces of Ancona and Pesaro and Urbino, the Institute of Cultural Heritage Sciences of the CNR of Rome and the Municipality of Fano. The new research includes a high-resolution georadar survey and a bibliographic and archival research, still in progress, concerning the square and its surrounding. The main purpose of this new study is to understand the evolution of this city's sector from the Roman period to the Medieval age, and intends also to investigate the historical and archaeological knowledge of this area located in the city's center of Fano. [Publisher's text]

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Vitruvius : rivista del Centro studi vitruviani : 1, 2022