2022 - L'Erma di Bretschneider
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Concorda(n)do el significato col segno : il caso di hypotrachelium nelle prime traduzioni italiane del De Architectura
P. 121-142
- The word hypotrachelium is a Vitruvian hapaxand it appears 6 times in the De architectura with meaning fluctuations that have always conditioned translators and exegetes. Starting from this specific case, the article analyzes the work's methods of the first translations, following two particular objectives: to highlight Francesco di Giorgio's characterization as the first true translator (even if the discovery of an earlier translation datable between the end of the Fourteenth and the beginning of the Fifteenth century, contained in the manuscript J-II-1 of the Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de El Escorial, actually subtracts from him the real primacy); to show how the comparison with the remaining ancient buildings has often misled translators and exegetes in identifying the exact referent of some Vitruvian words. [Publisher's text]
Forma parte de
Vitruvius : rivista del Centro studi vitruviani : 1, 2022-
Código DOI: 10.48255/J.VITRUVIUS.1.2022.09
ISSN: 2785-7387
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