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I ripari di Rocca Giglio (Valderice, TP) : le incisioni e le pitture rupestri

2021 - L'Erma di Bretschneider

P. 32-51

  • The Rocca Giglio archaeological site (Valderice, Trapani, in Sicily) is located in the ancient territory of Erice and consists in a limestone plateau situated 169 m above sea level, less than five kilometers from the coast. The Rocca Giglio southern front is rich in caves and shelters, which made the site a living place since prehistoric times. A large number of linear and sub-linear engravings, mostly grouped in parallel and vertically, intersected by rare horizontal engravings, testify a frequentation between late Paleolithic and Mesolithic era. The painted drawings of the Riparo 1 refer to the historical era instead, likely to the Hellenistic age, as it seems testified by the pottery fragments found in the underlying plowed ground, at the foot of the rocky plateau. Among the drawings there are two ships, schematically depicted and incomplete preserved, which are described and interpreted from a nautical-archaeological point of view. [Publisher's text]

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Sicilia archeologica : 112, 2021