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Le valutazioni del percorso formativo dei neolaureati in servizio sociale

2016 - Franco Angeli

161-174 p.

In recent years strong changes have occurred both in the socialpolicies and in people's demand for support. As a consequence, all theoperators and, in particular, social workers, for their central role in theservice system, need a more adequate education. The objective of thisarticle is to analyze the social workers' judgments about the educationreceived, looking at the results of a national survey conducted in 2013-14on graduates from 2006 to 2012. In particular, the research studies theevaluation of the training program in different areas: social and legalchanges, psychological dynamics, social research methodology,methodology and techniques of social work, internships and specificdisciplines of social work. The data show, first of all, substantially positiveratings for all proposed disciplinary axes, although with very articulated anddifferentiated evaluations; at the same time, the judgments become a bit lesspositive for those graduates who work as social workers: this evidence givesthe opportunity to ref

lect on the current training program. [Publisher's Text].

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Sociologia e politiche sociali : 3, 2016