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Gli epigrammi dell'ottavo libro del De architectura di Vitruvio (VIII, 3, 21-23) : fra Giocondo, Angelo Poliziano, Fabio Calvo e qualche protagonista di troppo

2022 - L'Erma di Bretschneider

P. 35-48

The essay explores the theme of the presence of the three Greek epigrams, complete and in Greek for the first time, in the Venetian edition of De architectura, edited by Fra Giovanni Giocondo, 1511 (Vitr., VIII, 3, 21-23) retracing, with new reflections, the passage from the dis coverer of the texts, Angelo Poliziano, to Giocondo. It is an opportunity to compare the various sixteenth-century translations of the three texts into the national languages. [Publisher's text]

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Vitruvius : rivista del Centro studi vitruviani : 1, 2022