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Fare o rifiutare un aborto : sociologia dell'obiezione di coscienza

2023 - Franco Angeli

147-163 p.

  • What are the reasons behind the decision of doctors and health providers to be conscientious objectors to abortion? The public debate and general belief in this regard often take it for granted that this choice derives from ethical or religious reasons. Starting from an updated review of the sociological literature on such topic, with a specific focus on data deriving from field research, the article explores the heterogeneity of factors that can lead a health professional to refuse to perform abortion procedures. We take into account the findings of empirical studies about personal (ethical or religious), organizational (career and context), and social motivations (avoidance of stigma and fear of marginalization). In conclusion, we offer policy indications aimed, on the one hand, at protecting the right of health professionals to operate according to their beliefs, and on the other hand at maintaining and guaranteeing women's access to abor-tion services. [Publisher's text].

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Salute e società : XXII, 3, 2023