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Maternità e Disturbo da Uso di Sostanze : le esperienze delle ospiti di una comunità Terapeutico-Riabilitativa

2023 - Franco Angeli

211-227 p.

  • The phenomenon that sees pregnant women and mothers suffering from Substance Use Disorder, is one of the emerging issues for social and health services, first of all for the need to protect the children involved, but also to support parenthood within these families. In the Italian context, the data related to motherhood and substance abuse are residual and underestimated, however, cases of babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome and fetal alcohol syndrome are increasing. Therefore, it is particularly important to understand the experiences of women who are in this situation in order to improve the social and health care system. This qualitative and explorative research has involved the guests of a therapeutic community that welcomes mother-child dyads with the purpose of analyze the history of addiction, the path to motherhood and the changes associated with entering the community. [Publisher's text].

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Salute e società : XXII, 3, 2023