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La necropoli della loc. Basalica di Calvisano (BS) nel quadro dei rituali funerari lombardi dell'età del Rame : un ritrovamento di eccezione?

2022 - Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria

P. 271-281

Two Copper Age funerary traditions are recognized in Lombardy: single inhumation burial pits and collective cave burials. The recent research at Calvisano – Basalica gives us the opportunity to make some comments about this phenomenon: while three inhumation graves can clearly be ascribed to the single burial tradition of the Po Plain, two small mounds inside two large rectangular pits point out the existence of different rituals unknown up to now. One of them is clearly a burial, the second one, according to the micromorphological analysis, was the place of specific rituals characterized by the intentional scattering of many stone and shell beads among the mound layers. This practice seems strictly related to the role played by personal ornaments in the collective cave burials of the Prealpine area. already present, were never abundant. [Publisher's text]

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Rivista di scienze preistoriche : LXXII, S2, 2022