2021 - Bookstones
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Las marcas de la santidad : un caso de entesopatías colectivas en restos óseos del convento de franciscanos descalzos de Medina Sidonia (España)
P. 20-28
Codice DOI: 10.53118/1036
ISSN: 2784-8442
Nello stesso fascicolo
- Editorial : Solid foundations and terrae incognitae
- Direct and indirect evidence of malaria in Ancient Egypt
- Las marcas de la santidad : un caso de entesopatías colectivas en restos óseos del convento de franciscanos descalzos de Medina Sidonia (España)
- Deviant burial and post mortem mutilation of a female individual from an early medieval cemetery in Tuscany (Italy)
- Vertebral spondyloarthropathy in an individual from middle holocene in Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia
- Congenital anomalies of the spine from the prehistoric hypogeum of Calaforno (Ragusa, Sicily, Italy)
- La memoria nei corpi. le autopsie dell'humilladero di San Juan del Olmo (Àvila, Spagna)
- Plaster casts of skulls in german collections : casting light on a neglected collection area
- Bioarchaeology of a mid-late 19th century anglican community : St Mary's cemetery, Adelaide, South Australia
- Palaeopathology of the ptolemaic dynasty : an iconographical re-examination
- Brief note : towards a palaeopathological reassessment of the ancient Egyptian mummy of Aline and her portrait (roman period)
- Arterial and venous blood in Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy
- The cowpox vaccine : a bridge between different medical systems : the case of homeopathy in Nineteenth Century Italy
- The medical Conan Doyle : notes on a note published in the Lancet
- The death of Saint Snthony of Padua : a retrospective analysis
- Due perizie mediche agli albori della medicina legale
- Considerazioni sulla correlazione tra clima e uomo : l'evento climatico younger dryas, cambiamenti faunistici e interventi umani
- Book reviews