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Difendere l'uguaglianza : verso la democrazia costituzionale della cura

2022 - Franco Angeli

P. 71-82

  • We are facing an alternative: either we defend the political project of equality on which (inter)national constitutionalism is based or we accept the definitive triumph of the political project of inequality fostered by neoliberalism. The political theory of care indicates a way out. It not only makes it possible to denounce intersectional inequalities, but it proposes an anthropological model based on the recognition of interdependence. Moreover, it captures the importance of passions as motivational forces and allows for the valorization of a range of resistant practices. The article shows how (inter)national constitutionalism and political theory of care can be considered as allied perspectives that contribute to defend the project of equality, developing a caring democracy. [Publisher's text]

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Società degli individui : 73, 1, 2022