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Martin Heidegger e il pensiero della cura

2022 - Franco Angeli

P. 35-45

  • Solicitude (Sorge) is a central concept in Martin Heidegger's meditation and the journey to this key structure of existence is very rich and complex. The aim of this contribu¬tion is to reconstruct the fundamental stages of this pathway showing that the issue of Sorge is not merely a peculiarity of Sein und Zeit, rather it is rooted in his initial meditation of the facticity of existence. At the same time, the issue of Solicitude does not end with the work of 1927, rather is reaches Heidegger's dialogue with psychiatry and psychology. Solicitude is the Ariadne's thread able to connect the analysis of existence with a different approach to health in general and mental health in particular. [Publisher's text]

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Società degli individui : 73, 1, 2022