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La vedovanza : una ricognizione su vedovi e vedove in Italia

2019 - Franco Angeli

139-154 p.

In this study, after having defined widowhood and placed it in the tradition of life course studies, some important issues related to widowhood are investigated, such as the entry into the new condition, the comparison of widowhood with other marriage statuses, the possible outcomes of widowhood, including a new marriage, and widowhood at a young age. From an empirical point of view, using official statistics, an updated demographic profile of widows and widowers in Italy is drawn, to try and identify how many widowed people there are in Italy, what their characteristics are, what percentage weight they have on other matrimonial groups, how many are widowed in their youth. In conclusion, possible developments in the study of widowhood are suggested. [Publisher's text].

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Sociologia e ricerca sociale : 118, 1, 2019