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Antisemitismo italiano e cattolici integralisti nel primo dopoguerra

2017 - Franco Angeli

68-91 p.

One of the most vivid trends of Italian antisemitism before 1938, Catholic antisemitism contributed to the nationalization of the "Jewish question" in Italy during the interwar period. Looking specifically at the aftermath of the Great War, this article argues that Catholic anti-Jewish stereotypes became closely entangled with more modern trends of antisemitism. This article focuses on integralist Catholics (Msgr Benigni, Fede e Ragione) as a case study that uncovers the transnational, national, local, and cultural dimensions of Italian antisemitism at the beginning of the 1920s. [Publisher's Text].

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Passato e presente : rivista di storia contemporanea : 102, 3, 2017