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Trasformare la guerra imperialista in guerra civile : il Partito comunista internazionalista tra conflitto mondiale e Resistenza

2016 - Franco Angeli

45-62 p.

  • In this paper the focus is about Partito Comunista Internazionalista, specially in the period of the Second World War and the italian Resistance. PcInt took its origins from the left wing of Partito Comunista d'Italia. It was the only one communist party really antistalinist: it was different between Partito Comunista Italiano and the others dissident communist movements. Internationalists thought that working class hasn't to partecipate to the "imperialistic" war, but try to change it in civil war (as Lenin's thought). In this situation, they had to fight against fascism but also against stalinism. [Publisher's Text].

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Historia Magistra : rivista di storia critica : 22, 3, 2016