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"Ragazze di stadio" : appunti per una storia del tifo calcistico femminile

2022 - Franco Angeli

51-70 p.

  • Ritual and symbolic passion for the masses, the Italian calcio has long been considered an arena typically reserved for men. Italian tifo has long been depicted as a male prerogative. Despite this stereotyped belief, the presence of tifose in the stands of Italian stadiums has been documented since the origins of this sport. Making use mainly of the material produced by newspapers, magazines, cinema, and television, this contribution offers some reflections on the evolution of female football fans. Particularly, it focuses on the ways in which female presence in the football stands has been described and represented, starting from the immediate post-WWII period to the years after the "economic miracle". [Publisher's text].

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Storia e problemi contemporanei : 91, 3, 2022