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Tombe e necropoli del Bronzo Finale e degli inizi dell'età del Ferro nei dintorni dell'abitato protostorico di Como

P. 563-570

  • This report is a brief summary, because due to the pandemic and the inaccessibility of the Como Museum it was not possible to complete the documentation.The text describes burials, in the surroundings of Como, dated to Protogolasecca, term used to designate the Final Bronze Age in the area of the Golasecca culture. The grave goods, often very poor, never have a bowl as a lid, but they sometimes have a small cup accompanying the urn. The characteristic elements for each of the three phases into which the period is divided (Ascona I, Ascona II and Ca ‘Morta-Malpensa) are also displayed. With the transition to the Iron Age (G IA1) the urns are closed by a bowl and the objects of the grave goods become more numerous, in particular the fibulae with thickened bow or the pins. Some tombs have spearheads, but swords are not present in the G. I A1. [Publisher's text]

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Rivista di scienze preistoriche : LXXII, S2, 2022