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Problems of personnel management and labour resources in the agricultural sector of Ukraine : ways to ensure the well-being of society

2022 - Franco Angeli

397-413 p.

  • The relevance of the study is conditioned by the fact that despite the variety of issues, the focus of personnel management is on a person who is considered a special element of the organisation, an entity with a unique resource of widely understood capabilities and needs. Their specific location, with proper management, creates the value of the organisation and determines its competitiveness. Age management is defined as an element of human resource management or an element of management of a wider variety, which consists in the implementation of measures that allow for a more rational use of human resources in agricultural enterprises, by considering the needs and capabilities of employees of any age. The purpose of the study is to consider the problems of personnel management and labour resources in the agricultural sector of Ukraine in 20002020.
  • To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: strategic, holistic, and organisational. Effective personnel management can, among other things, contribute to improving the efficiency of the company, reducing the cost of human resource management, growth and competitiveness, and maintaining a good or improved image. It is very difficult to clearly determine the time at which the ageing process begins. The breakdown by chronological age is not suitable for employees to perform various professional roles. Often, when a person's life lengthens, the period of their effective functioning also increases without those limiting qualities attributed to old age. The changing abilities of a person to perform work are mainly caused by a decrease in physical performance and fitness, and some psychophysical skills.
  • The task of the personnel and labour resources system is, first of all, to increase the efficiency of the tasks performed by individual employees, to improve the organisation's potential through a detailed definition of training and development needs, to support the personnel decisionmaking process and the development of personnel policy. The practical significance lies in the productive construction of personnel management and labour resources in the agricultural sector, due to the allocation of relevant problems of the sphere under consideration in Ukraine in 20002020. [Publisher's text].

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Rivista di studi sulla sostenibilità : XII, 2, 2022