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L'insediamento eneolitico di Carinaro : Polo Calzaturiero : i saggi di scavo nell'area SE.
P. 1-20
As part of the archeological investigations conducted in the area of the so-called Polo Calzaturiero (shoe factories district) in the town of Carinaro (CE) significant evidence has been found, relating to an extended settlement dating back to the late Eneolithic. Here we present the data resulting from the surveys conducted in the SE area, where a big elliptical hut and a likely burial were investigated. [Publisher's text]
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Rivista di scienze preistoriche : LXXII, 2022-
Articles du même numéro (disponibles individuellement)
Code DOI : 10.32097/1153
ISSN: 2282-457X
- Eneolitico, Laterza, insediamento, Campania
- Eneolithic, Laterza, settlement, Campania