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Andrew Young : Priest, Poet and Naturalist: A Reassessment

2018 - The Lutterworth Press

214 p.

  • Andrew Young was one of the most original, inventive and paradoxical poets of the twentieth-century. C.S. Lewis called him, 'A modern Marvell and a modern marvel', and Philip Larkin remarked that, 'His works are in no danger of being forgotten'. Regarded as 'a major poet' by academic scholars, Young's prestige in this critical biography is taken one step further and declared a 'great' poet. Dr Richard Ormrod criticises and analyses Andrew Young's poetry to establish this greatness, especially in his lengthy masterpiece, Out of the World and Back. It also explores his fascinating life and personality: a wry, whimsical, erudite, complex man; a theist and a pantheist; an ironist and wordsmith; and a fervent naturalist, less at ease with people. Anyone interested in, or studying twentieth-century poetry at any level, will find this book invaluable and its claims challenging. Lovers of plants, birds and animals will be stunned by Young's deeply observant, unsentimental nature poetry, and by the two witty and engag
  • ing prose 'flower' books, A Prospect of Flowers and A Retrospect of Flowers - both hardy perennials. [Publisher's text].
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