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The Iraqi Refugees

2008 - Tauris

264 p.

  • In the years since the US-led invasion of Iraq, over 4 million Iraqis have been forced to flee their homes, in what amounts to one of the largest people movements in modern times, far exceeding the Palestinian outflow after 1948. Despite media reports of an improved security situation in Iraq, the majority of refugees are still not prepared to return. The social, economic, political and security consequences of the Iraq refugee crisis are huge. In this rigorous and timely book, Joseph Sassoon explores the underlying trends of Iraq's refugee flow: which class, ethnic and sectarian groups have gone - and are continuing to go - where and how. Based on extensive original research, he examines the economic impact of this exodus on Iraq itself, and on the host countries of the region: Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. He analyses international policy on the refugee issue, and assesses the options for return and resettlement. The Iraqi Refugees is both the first and the definitive guide to what will come to be seen as one.
  • of the most significant issues affecting the entire Middle East. [Publisher's text].
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