Grasso, Arianna Sex workers' intersectional experiences in Berlin 2021 - Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche
Grasso, Arianna Sex workers' intersectional experiences in Berlin 2021 - Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche P. 177-201 Fait partie de Intersezionalità e genere. - ( Intersezioni/Intersections ; 23) Espace de travail Citer Chapitres du même volume (disponibles individuellement) Introduzione Pushing the boundaries of genre and gender : a stylistic investigation of Vandana Singh's science fiction stories Three picnics at hanging rock, gender, genre and transmediality from the novel to the tv series Intrecci tra genere e razza in Georgie Porgie di Rudyard Kipling Alle origini del femminismo in Spagna : Emilia Pardo Bazán e la traduzione di The Subjection of Women di John Stuart Mill Altrimenti marginali : la scrittura delle donne Dalit e tribali in India "My present is practically non‑existent, I am up in the air" : in the second person di Smaro Kamboureli La "couleur noire" dans le panorama littéraire québécois : la parodie de race et de sexe dans l'oeuvre de Dany Laferrière Materia e luce nell'opera poetica di Cécile Cloutier Dal Gender al Genre : intersezioni identitarie e letterarie nella letteratura del Québec La performatività del genere : percezione linguistica e stereotipi Sex workers' intersectional experiences in Berlin From ecofeminism to female ecocriticism : the intersectional language of female environmental literates Genre et politique : Ségolène Royal et Marine Le Pen dans le débat de l'entre‑deux‑tours des élections présidentielles françaises (De)Constructing political selves : the discursive creation and defense of coherence by a first‑time congressional candidate Empowering women from an institutional perspective : the case of Spotlight initiative Trump, sexism and Twitter : an update Diane Abbott and online misogyny : being a female politician in the digital era. Pauline Hanson, Australian populism and the refugee crisis in news discourse Moving stories Biopolitical approach to mental disorders through three literary testimonies : Alda Merini, Lori Schiller and Diamela Eltit Des mères québécoises et la désintégration du foyer monoparental : Anne Hébert et Xavier Dolan Informations Code DOI : 10.1400/287070 Permalink: