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L'Italia settentrionale tra il sud del centro Europa ed il Bacino Carpatico : contatti transalpini nella prima metà del secondo millennio BC tra Pianura Padana e alto e medio Danubio

2020 - Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria

P. 219-230

After more than forty years from the International Symposium on the ancient Bronze Age in Europe (Verona – Lazise – Trento, 1-6 May 1972) decisive for the research on the Central European Bronze Age, many new important discoveries and new models of archaeological sources analysis help to clarify better chronology and cultural development in the different regions on both sides of the Alps.

Based on the geographic distribution of specific types of bronze objects - pins, axes, spearheads, daggers and swords - as well as some features of the ornamental style of ceramics and of various bone objects with “carpathian wavy bands decoration and of the Eastern Mediterranean”, but especially through the socalled enigmatic tablets - all elements that connect the three regions of the upper and middle Danube and Northern Italy - it is possible, thanks to the enrichment of the data available in quantity and quality, to evaluate better interregional relations. These advances open possibilities for further analysis and results. [Publisher's text]

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Rivista di scienze preistoriche : LXX, S1, 2020