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Development and preservation in large cities : an international perspective : VII edition

2020 - Gangemi Editore

295 p. : ill.

The VII edition of the 2018 six months seminarial course (from January to June) by the title 'Development and Preservation in Large Cities: an International Perspective' registered important cultural and scientific feedbacks as for the previous editions in 2012 (I) , 2013 (II), 2014 (III), 2015 (IV) , 2016 (V) and 2017 (VI). The Course involved 44 participants among Professors, Researchers, PhD fellows and Students of the partner Institutions, who received a joint Certificate of participation. The Course is organized by: the BENECON University Consortium - Centre of Excellence on Cultural Heritage, Ecology and Economy, where is located my UNESCO Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance;

the European Polytechnical University in Bulgaria and the Edward J. Blustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Center for Urban Policy Research at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey; under the moral patronage of the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design at the University of Campania 'Luigi Vanvitelli'. Professors and Researcher of BENECON and Department elaborated papers in reference to their specific disciplinary in a framework of integration of scientific competences and of cultural confrontation without limits, which characterizes the method approach of our Scientific Comminity, with case studies in Italy, in the States and worldwide in the study environment of architecture, design, representation, landscape, economy of cultural heritage, territorial governance, history of art and architecture, and urban planning. [Publisher's text]

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