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Ensuring social guarantees and human rights for the implementation of the labour legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2020 - Franco Angeli

315-335 p.

  • The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that in order to improve the legislation of the country, it is necessary to study the successful experience of other countries. The purpose of the study is to propose a number of measures that will help improve labour legislation in Kazakhstan. The work uses primarily the analytical method. It is determined by the fact that apart from statutory labour protection rules, some safety standards are contained in collective agreements that specify and sometimes supplement relevant legislative provisions. The paper states the fact that it is necessary to factor in world experience in organizing and operating a system of supervision and control over compliance with labour legislation for the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • The novelty of the study is that with a study of the legislation on labour regulation in Western countries, the authors identify a number of measures that will be relevant for implementation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The practical significance of the study is determined by the incompatibility of isolation from the outside world, including from the international labour market with objectives of development. [Publisher's text].

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Rivista di studi sulla sostenibilità : X, 1, 2020