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L'accordo culturale del 1956 fra Italia e Repubblica federale tedesca

2019 - Franco Angeli

48-72 p.

  • The essay aims at reconstructing the path that led in 1956 to the conclusion of the cultural agreement between Italy and the Federal Republic of Germany, and to its subsequent implementation; this issue is strictly connected with the resumption of wider diplomatic relations between the two republics after 1949. The recovery of Italian-German cultural relations during the 1950s led to the reopening of scientific and cultural institutes, to the reorganization of a network of associations, and to the intensification of intellectual and academic relations. This process was marked also by public disputes, concerning for example the South Tyrolean matter and the Italian claims for restitution of works of art, nevertheless a strong willingness to encourage the cultural rapprochement prevailed on both sides. [Publisher's text].

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Passato e presente : rivista di storia contemporanea : 106, 1, 2019