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La sfortuna di Gentile

2018 - Franco Angeli

121-128 p.

  • Gentile, one of the most important Italian intellectuals, was the subject of a great deal of scholarly interest after 1990. Many studies were published about his philosophy, his life, his support of Fascism, his school reforms, his leading role in important political institutions and cultural initiatives during the Fascist regime. This article examines the reasons why his thought and activity have been studied with a quite different approach during the last ten years. Celebrations and commemorations seem to prevail over thorough research, while many examples have appeared of ideological appropriation of his thought by the forces of the political right. A survey of this "new" direction in Gentile studies suggests that it tells us more about a current trend in Italian culture than anything particularly profound about the intellectual and philosopher himself. [Publishers' text].

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Passato e presente : rivista di storia contemporanea : 104, 2, 2018