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Dal conflitto territoriale al conflitto sociale : il movimento No Tav fra resistenza e auto-determinazione

2017 - Franco Angeli

183-191 p.

  • Starting from a review of the most widely spread narrations for the analysis of territorial movements, this contribution relates the specific nature of said movements to the relationship with the conflicting practices that are established against power. Starting from the analysis of Alessandro Senaldi's book, the history and characteristics of the No Tav movement are portrayed. In recent years, this movement has carried out practices of resistance against both the Tav and the development model it represents, thus simultaneously enacting a collective identity built on solidarity, democratic decision-making and inclusion. Eventually, the study aims at reconstructing the dynamics through which the movement first gained its exposure to power relationships by reversing them, as well as questioning the founding capacity of conflicting subjectivities. [Publisher's Text].

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Sociologia del diritto : 2, 2017