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La Uil e l'Ugt dal secondo dopoguerra all'ingresso della Spagna nella Cee.

2016 - Franco Angeli

125-148 p.

  • This article intends to fill a gap in the studies on the international dimension of Ugt's politics, by analyzing its relations with Italian trade union Unione italiana del lavoro (Uil). The article emphasizes on the one hand that while Uil always tried to support Ugt's claims within the international organizations, during both the end of the Franco regime and the restoration and restructuring of Ugt at the time of the transition, it also has to deal with its strategy of trade union unity. On the other hand, it highlights that the relations between Ugt and Uil moved from actions of solidarity toward a more reciprocal approach in order to build a Mediterranean axis within European trade union organizations, at a time in which social issues started to occupy a greater place in European community's developments. [Publisher's Text].

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Ventunesimo secolo : rivista di studi sulle transizioni : XV, 1, 2016