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Usos i abusos de la imatge en l'univers audiovisual de la Shoah

2015 - Documenta Universitaria

136 p.

  • "Usos i abusos de la imatge en l'univers audiovisual de la Shoah" explores the different strategies with which the film has faced the issue of the genocide of the Jews of Europe, transforming the relationship between the visual image and the representation of history .ook offers a free and fragmented journey through the images, its uses and migration as key elements in building an imaginary of the Shoah. Moreover, it analyzes the visual archives relating to genocide as a benchmark in contemporary representation of the victim and the role of audiovisual testimony in shaping public memory and a story about the event. lines are born of the conviction that images have to think not only as witnesses of the past, but as performative agents capable of re-articulate-what, as generators of thought and transmitting memory. Audiovisual images document and record the last time I made, attributing the ways that will make visible.