2015 - L'Erma di Bretschneider
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Preliminary study of the stone tesserae of Albanian mosaics : materials identification
P. 713-722
ISBN: 9788891307682
Dans le même volume
- Presentation
- Architecture with concave and convex rhythms and its decoration in Hadrian age : the Maritime Theatre and the Southern pavilion of Piazza d'Oro in Hadrian's Villa
- Imported marbles found in three Roman cities of the territory of Cinco Villas (Zaragoza), north of Hispania Citerior
- Pentelic marble in the Severan Complex in Leptis Magna (Tripolitania, Libya)
- The limestone quarries of Wadi Gadatza in the territory of Leptis Magna
- Provenance and distribution of white marbles in the arches of Titus and Septimius Severus in Rome
- The imitation of coloured marbles in a first style wall painting from the Etruscan-Roman town of Populonia (LI - Italy)
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- The use of marble in Lusitania between Rome and Islam
- Marmora Ostiensa : new results from the Ostia Marina Project
- A column shaft in verde rana ondato from the archaeological excavations in Palazzo Altemps
- The exploitation of coralline breccia of the Gargano in the Roman and late antique periods
- Ships lapidariae and the wreck, with marmor numidicum, discovered in Camarina : hypothesisof route
- The use of marble in the roman architecture of Lugdunum (Lyon, France)
- Marmora and other stones in the architectural decoration of early imperial Barcino (Barcelona, Spain)
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- Thasian Exports Of Prefabricated Statuettes
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- White and coloured marble on Pantelleria
- Local stones and marbles found in the territory of Alto Aragon (Hispania), in Roman times
- The Marmor Lesbium reconsidered and other stones of Lesbos
- The marbles from the Villa of Trajan at Arcinazzo Romano (Roma)
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- Shipwrecks with sarcophagi in the Eastern Adriatic
- The marble decoration of the peristyle building in the SW quarter of Palmyra (Pal.M.A.I.S. Mission)
- Stone materials in Lusitania reflecting the process of romanization
- A uotorum nuncupatio from Colonia Augusta Firma : an analytical approach
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- The Roman marble quarries of Aliko Bay and of the islets of Rinia and Koulouri (Skyros, Greece)
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- Some observations on the use of color on ancient sculpture, contemporary scientific exploration, and exhibition displays
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