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Pane e pace : Jane Addams lettrice di Tolstoj

2022 - Franco Angeli

P. 46-61

  • The essay reconstructs the influence of Tolstoj's writings on Jane Addams' thought since 1881 - when, at the age of 21, she read My Religion - until 1931, when she reflected on the similarity between Gandhi's message and Tolstoj's. The essay dwells also on Jane Addams' visit to the Russian writer at Jasnaja Poljana in 1896 which strengthened her admiration for Tolstoj's sincerity, moral strength, and commitment. Despite the differences in their views on pacifism and nonresistance, Addams and Tolstoj shared a deep confidence in the wisdom of humble people and in the subversive value of ‘bread labor' in bringing about peace, social, and food justice. [Publisher's text]

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