Un radicamento negato : Simone Weil e l'ebraismo
P. 117-125
The essay reconstructs Simone Weil's heavy criticism of Judaism, accused of worshiping the power of God and of the chosen people and legitimizing violence against enemies. However, this criticism is not addressed by Weil only to Judaism, but is extended to all Christianity: the entire West, due to the influence of Judaism and of the Roman Empire, inherited the cult of power and the legitimacy of violence carried out in the name of God. Despite the harsh criticism of Judaism, however, there are in Simone Weil some profound Jewish motifs that emerge in her texts: the idea of the withdrawal of God in the act of creation, which takes up a theme of Jewish mysticism, the regret for rooting lost, that only an eradicated and assimilated Jew could feel so strongly, and the direct relationship with God, an I-you relationship, outside of any ecclesiastical mediation. [Publisher's text]
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Paradosso : rivista di filosofia : 1, 2019-
Artículos del mismo número (disponibles individualmente)
ISBN: 9788893871013
ISSN: 2704-7091