2024 - Editoriale Scientifica
Digital Version
Eespect for human rights and the concept of transnational organised crime (challenges in the rule-of-law field)
P. 89-96
DOI: 10.1400/295566
ISSN: 2785-5228
In this issue
- Preface
- The human rights of migrants and asylum seekers
- Cooperation for the protection of the rights of female migrants : prevention of gender-based violence during migration
- International and european police cooperation against trafficking of stolen vehicles
- Foreword
- The evolution of European criminal competence in the fight against transnational crime
- Criminalistics and criminal justice aspects of proving and solving criminal offences
- Organised criminality
- Montenegro and the Eurojust
- International judicial cooperation in criminal matters in Montenegro
- Free movement of crime
- Eespect for human rights and the concept of transnational organised crime (challenges in the rule-of-law field)
- Searching for a just balance