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Attualizzare il learnfare : un nuovo legame tra lifelong learning e welfare

2020 - Franco Angeli

73-95 p.

  • Lifelong learning (LLL) is increasingly considered to be one of the basic rights of citizenship, a lever for inclusion, for economic and social participation. As the European paradigm of active welfare state and its heir (i.e., the Social investment welfare state) affirm, this assumption is even more true in the context of the current socio-economic transformations and their related impacts on the individual's life courses. To meet the related challenges, LLL is placed at the very centre of the activation policies, according to the learnfare rationale. However, this strategy reveals to have lights and shadows, which the article investigates on a theoretical level. In the conclusions the article proposes a renewed vision of the learnfare paradigm, reframing it through the capability approach. [Publisher's text].

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Sociologia del lavoro : 156, 1, 2020