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Vittime, responsabilità sociale e giustizia ripartiva

2016 - Franco Angeli

125-134 p.

  • In Italy, Restorative Justice has certainly contributed to rethinking the concept of punishment and to the criticism of the retributive and repressive dimensions of the justice system. However, it has failed to focus attention on the victim's suffering and to his/her need for recognition as a vulnerable subject in the justice system and in society, as required by the Directive 2012/29/UE. The decree of 15 December 2015 n. 212 - that has transposed this Directive - constitutes good evidence of this failure, as it reveals only a partial adoption of the recommendations given by the European legislator.

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Minori giustizia : rivista interdisciplinare di studi giuridici, psicologici, pedagogici e sociali sulla relazione fra minorenni e giustizia : 1, 2016