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Aliquid in publicam disputationem edendum esset : Gianantonio Tadini's heretical teachings in Bergamo in the late 18th century

2024 - Leo S. Olschki

P. 57-84

  • In 1793, Antonio Tadini left his position at the Collegio Mariano in Bergamo, where he had given lectures since 1783. Several reasons led him to this decision. The main one was the negative perception by the ecclesiastical environment in Bergamo of some of the theses declared by Faustino Tadini, realised by Antonio from the lectures in experimental physics that he had given in previous years at the Collegio itself.
  • The following work reconstructs Antonio's teaching in Bergamo as much as possible and briefly illustrates the topics covered in the first five theses, of which we only possess the Latin text. In addition, the last two theses, of which the most complete preparatory version has survived, will be extensively discussed since they show how Antonio was incredibly up-to-date on the latest research in both mathematics and physics. Since Tadini signed himself as Antonio and Gianantonio, we shall also use the two names interchangeably. [Publisher's text]

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Physis : International Journal for the History of Science : LIX, 1, 2024