2024 - Leo S. Olschki
Digital Version
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Physis : International Journal for the History of Science : LIX, 1, 2024
P. 1-327
In derselben Datei
- Il Quod caelum stet, terra moveatur di Celio Calcagnini : contesto scientifico e traduzione
- Aliquid in publicam disputationem edendum esset : Gianantonio Tadini's heretical teachings in Bergamo in the late 18th century
- Hegel : an evolutionist?
- Binari convergenti : le prime ferrovie in Piemonte e l'alleanza tra geologi e tecnici, 1845-1871
- A comparative study of the reception of genetics, focusing on mouse research
- La biografia come epistemologia in azione : il caso di Silvano Arieti (1914-1981)
- Aesthetics of visionaries and engineering : John Wheeler between black holes and it from bit.
- Trends and challenges in history of science in muslim countries today
- Nolan's Oppenheimer and the history of science and technology
- Pietro Omodeo
- John L. Heilbron
- Jim Bennett (1947-2023)