2024 - Leo S. Olschki
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Preludio al Ghetto
P. 147-164
- The essay discusses the monograph published in 2021 by Renata Segre, Preludio al Ghetto di Venezia. Gli ebrei sotto i dogi (1250-1516. Based on very extensive archival research in Venice and elsewhere, the book contributes much new information especially for Jewish presence in the mainland dominion during the 15th century. The essay seeks to relate the volume to historiographcal context, and examines some of the many issues raised by Segre. [Publisher's text]
Ist Teil von
Archivio storico italiano : 679, 1, 2024-
DOI: 10.1400/296386
ISSN: 2036-4660
In derselben Datei
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