2024 - Leo S. Olschki
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Un avvenimento e la sua ricezione : Federico Barbarossa e Alessandro III a Venezia nel 1177
P. 3-24
- The Peace of Venice between the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and Pope Alexander III (July 1177) ended a conflict that had broken out with the election of two popes in 1159. Due to the growing interest in the forms of symbolic communication, the peace agreement attract special attention in recent research. This applies in particular to the public prostration of the emperor before the pope in front of the church of S. Marco. Was this actually connected with a demonstrative humiliation of the emperor? Or is the emperor's humiliation a phenomenon of the later reception of the event, which was no longer interested in the entire context of the peace agreement? [Publisher's text]
Ist Teil von
Archivio storico italiano : 679, 1, 2024-
DOI: 10.1400/296382
ISSN: 2036-4660
In derselben Datei
- Un avvenimento e la sua ricezione : Federico Barbarossa e Alessandro III a Venezia nel 1177
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