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Dielectric, Supercapacitive, Photoluminescent Properties of Hybrid Metal Organic Frameworks

2023 - Trans Tech Publications

132 p.

  • This book reflects novel aspects in the study of functional properties and practical applications of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and some special nanomaterials. The unique optical and photoluminescence features, the possibility for use in energy storage and biosensing for detection of various biomolecules, usage in heterogeneous catalysis, etc. are defining their wide applications in various branches of science and engineering. Many of the topics covered in this collection are devoted also to investigating the effect of varying temperatures on enhancing photoluminescence, and dielectric and electrochemical features of these materials. Many articles focus on the synthesis of novel series of MOFs, and functional nanocomposite materials used for the synthesis of hybrid supercapacitors. Most of the here-presented articles are first-time reported experimental work. This book will be helpful to specialists in biosensing, photoluminescent materials, supercapacitors, and electrical and electronic fields. [Publ
  • isher's text].
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