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Tra metafisica e morale : i presupposti della libertà in Piero Martinetti

2022 - Franco Angeli

P. 464-481

  • The article aims to demonstrate the dependence of Martinetti's morals on his metaphysics. In his view, reality encompasses a hierarchical plurality of states of consciousness, which go through an asymptotic process of progressive unifications leading to an ideal absolute Unity. This conception dovetails Spinoza's idea of the unity of substance and Kant's notion of progressive synthesis, which are however both reinterpreted from Martinetti's perspective. On this basis he attempts to solve the fundamental problem of ethics, that is the unity of freedom and necessity.
  • If at the lower levels of consciousness causality is understood as natural necessity, as opposed to freedom, by ascending towards higher levels of consciousness, causality is turned into a form of ideal necessity that is reconcilable with freedom. At the same time, even the lower degrees of consciousness, while lacking proper knowledge of freedom, can envision it through a symbolic intuition. Martinetti thus reinterprets the Kantian thesis according to which freedom and necessity are but two different "points of view". [Publisher's text]

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Rivista di storia della filosofia : LXXVII, 3, 2022