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Data Science Essentials in Python : Collect - Organize - Explore - Predict - Value

2016 - The Pragmatic Bookshelf

226 p.

  • Go from messy, unstructured artifacts stored in SQL and NoSQL databases to a neat, well-organized dataset with this quick reference for the busy data scientist. Understand text mining, machine learning, and network analysis; process numeric data with the NumPy and Pandas modules; describe and analyze data using statistical and network-theoretical methods; and see actual examples of data analysis at work. This one-stop solution covers the essential data science you need in Python.Data science is one of the fastest-growing disciplines in terms of academic research, student enrollment, and employment. Python, with its flexibility and scalability, is quickly overtaking the R language for data-scientific projects. Keep Python data-science concepts at your fingertips with this modular, quick reference to the tools used to acquire, clean, analyze, and store data.This one-stop solution covers essential Python, databases, network analysis, natural language processing, elements of machine learning, and visualization. A
  • ccess structured and unstructured text and numeric data from local files, databases, and the Internet. Arrange, rearrange, and clean the data. Work with relational and non-relational databases, data visualization, and simple predictive analysis (regressions, clustering, and decision trees). See how typical data analysis problems are handled. And try your hand at your own solutions to a variety of medium-scale projects that are fun to work on and look good on your resume.Keep this handy quick guide at your side whether you're a student, an entry-level data science professional converting from R to Python, or a seasoned Python developer who doesn't want to memorize every function and option.What You Need:You need a decent distribution of Python 3.3 or above that includes at least NLTK, Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Networkx, SciKit-Learn, and BeautifulSoup. A great distribution that meets the requirements is Anaconda, available for free from www.continuum.io. If you plan to set up your own database servers, you al
  • so need MySQL (www.mysql.com) and MongoDB (www.mongodb.com). Both packages are free and run on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. [Publisher's text].
  • Special access authorizations may apply; please contact us for further information.

Note di contenuto

  • 1st edition.