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Azimuth : philosophical coordinates in modern and contemporary age : 16, 2, 2020
[Critical Theory Today : an Old Paradigm for New Challenges? = La teoria critica oggi : un vecchio paradigma per nuove sfide?]

2020 - InSchibboleth edizioni

P. 1-231

  • In the last two decades critical theory, in its various declinations, has shown great vitality. In the tradition inspired by the Frankfurt School concepts and approaches proper to the first generation (Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse) have been recovered and re-actualized. Concepts and categories which had been marginalized from international philosophical debates (such as reification, alienation, and ideology) have gained new critical potential. On the other hand, the very concept of critical theory has been reformulated and enlarged, as a result of the intersection between different traditions of thought.
  • This issue of Azimuth intends to offer a platform to explore the possibilities that recent theoretical and methodological reflections can offer for the diagnosis of present social pathologies. How can we develop on this basis a renewed critique of present capitalism, growing authoritarianism, cultural industry, or personality structures? How can we approach within this tradition questions that had been only marginally addressed, such as gender and race oppression, and “new” problems, such as digitalization, artificial intelligence, or the destruction of the natural environment? [Publisher's text]

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Azimuth : Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age. - Semestrale = Six-monthly