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Il politico dilettante : Rocco Scotellaro sindaco a Tricarico, fra rinascita democratica e controriforma moderata (1943-1953)

2018 - Franco Angeli

17-32 p.

  • The story of Rocco Scotellaro, Mayor-poet of peasants, is part of the process of democratic rebirth after the fall of fascism and that saw as protagonists the national liberation committees and the first Parties reorganization at national and local levels. Tricarico, a southern Italy town, was the scene where the protagonists of a small story, reflecting a more widespread situation, between local contrasts, political struggle, ideal actions and daily administration gave their contribution in building a new civil and institutional structure, bringing out the peasant culture. Tricarico and Scotellaro were also the protagonists of the gradual change in the political situation that from the initial reformist impulse were running out for stronger Christian Democrat dynamics, centered in the municipal administration headed by Scotellaro attacked by internal and external enemies. [Publishers' text].

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Historia Magistra : rivista di storia critica : 26, 1, 2018