2014 - Pisa University Press
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Agrochimica : International Journal of Plant Chemistry, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition of the University of Pisa : 58, special issue, 2014
[The hot summer of 2012 : some effects on agriculture, forestry and related issues]
P. 1-160
ISSN: 2283-5431
Nello stesso fascicolo
- Preface
- Summer heat waves, agriculture, forestry and related issues : an introduction (Editorial)
- Climate change and Mediterranean crops : 2003 and 2012, two possible examples of the near future
- The impact of temperature and drought on the carbon balance of forest ecosystems : the case of a beech forest in central Italy
- It's not just the heat and the drought : the role of ozone air pollution in the 2012 heat wave
- Effect of heat stress on animal production and welfare : the case of dairy cow.
- New evidence for the functional roles of volatile and non-volatile isoprenoids in stressed plants
- Year-to-year weather variability affects downy mildew epidemics in vineyards and should guide decisions regarding fungicide applications
- Soil and ecosystem carbon fluxes in a Mediterranean forest during and after drought
- Plant stress and mycotoxin accumulation in maize
- Effects of summer heat waves on Europe's wild flora and vegetation
- Better today but worse tomorrow : how warm summers affect breeding performance of a Scots pine pest
- Droughts, heat waves and plant hydraulics : impacts and legacies